Company Information

Insing Fintech was set up in the year 2012 for World Trade to be and managed and operated from Singapore, which is a very strong financial and trading hub with reputable regulators.

The company is a private limited registered in the republic of Singapore. Also, Insing is having its presence in USA (New York and Los Angeles), UK (London) and Asia (Dubai, Thailand, India and Hong Kong) to ensure enhanced quality and cost reduction.

The current plan is to work with companies worldwide with interconnect with the rest of the buyer and sellers platform. The endeavour is to service a large number of customers with bi-directional movement of traffic of goods and services through the network carrying equated business traffic. Four Points of Presence are already identified that will have adequate infrastructure which can be taken on lease and acquired over a period of time as InSing progresses in the Global business space.

Over a three year period the company expects to diversify the services to back ward integrate and forward integrate to make a expertise in order to provide levels of services to the clients with client specific Service Level Agreement (SLA) and customer warranty.

The management team is consists of very experience professionals from United States of America, United Kingdom, India, Singapore & China with the most respectable experience.

InSing Elaborated as a Joint Business Working – India & Singapore.
FinTech Elaborated as Joint Business Working of Finance with Technology.